Should I Lubricate My Garage Door?

 After a long hard day at work, the last thing that you want to be worrying about is your garage door. However, you pull into your driveway and you just know what is going to meet you, a noisy opening door that you worry is going to stop working at any moment. You need the door to be in full working order to protect your car and your other property so, what do you need to do? The simple answer is that you need to lubricate it, but put lubricant on the wrong parts can do more harm than good.

It is surprising how many people just decide to ignore the noises that are coming from their garage door. The thing to consider is that these noises are not there to annoy you, they are there to give you are warning that something is wrong. If your door is properly lubricated, the noises will stop and you can be confident that you have addressed the warnings.

There are several parts of your garage door that will need frequent lubrication. When you think about it, it is probably the largest moving object in your home and one that gets frequent use. The springs, tracks, rollers, and hinges will all need lubrication 3 or 4 times a year to keep everything in proper working order - and cut down on those annoying screeching noises!

Should I Lubricate My Garage Door?

Although the exact process will vary from door to door, the best approach is to tackle the door in the following order:

1. Tracks

The tracks are likely to collect dirt over a period of a few months so your first job is to clean them with a rag. We wouldn't recommend lubricating the tracks as the rollers may slip, but ensuring they are clean is important.

2. Springs

The springs take a lot of stress each time you open the garage door. They do need to be lubricated but we would advise against overdoing it as this isn't required and can cause a mess.

3. Hinges

Most hinges are made from steel although occasionally you will come across some plastic ones. Lubricate steel hinges are their pivot points but putting lubrication on plastic can cause it to perish.

4. Rollers

Rollers are usually made from nylon and this is the part that moves along the track. The bearings do need a small amount of lubrication but make sure that any excess is wiped away to avoid slippages.

5. Locks

Some garage doors still have locks and if yours does, it is a good idea to add a little lubricant from time to time. Put enough in to make sure it moves down into to the tumbler but not too much that it may drip on your car or garage floor.

Once you have all your garage door parts properly lubricated, lift it and close it several times to even out the lubricant's distribution. If you still hear a lot of noise coming from your door, follow that sound to determine if you simply missed a moving part or if more substantial correction will be needed.

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