Garage Door Materials - What to Consider Before Making Your Selection

 If you want your house to have an attractive overall look on the outside, finding the right door for the garage can help push you in the right direction. Check out the following materials for garage doors and find one to match the design of your home.


Wood was the first material used in garage doors. Wooden doors for the garage are appealing because they are naturally beautiful, elegant, and classy. However, the use of wood as a material in garage doors was overshadowed by the popularity of steel. If you are one of the many who do not have the time to spend repainting or doing general upkeep work on their doors for the garage, you may want to look into a different option because wood requires constant maintenance since it tends to warp and crack over time. Nevertheless, wood is a very good insulator and doors for garage made of wood come in various styles and designs that will suit many types of houses.

Garage Door Materials - What to Consider Before Making Your Selection


Steel is the most common material used indoors for garage today. It is not surprising because steel is durable, affordable, and very easy to customize. Besides, steel can be painted in virtually any color. Homeowners who would love to have a wooden garage door without the periodic maintenance can get one in steel that has the texture and style of wood. Steel doors for garage help reduce energy cost because they are poor insulators but this can be a problem if you live in an area with extreme climates or drastic weather changes. Top-quality steel doors are at least 24-gauge thick.27- or 28-gauge doors are more affordable because they are thinner but they will not be able to resist impacts.

Wood Composite

Wood composite or "man-made wood" is made of binding recycled wood or fibers. Wood composite doors for the garage have the durability of steel and the appeal of wood. Like wooden and steel garage doors, this type of door material can be stained or painted. The downside to using wood composite is that it burns more rapidly than natural wood. Besides, adhesives that may be toxic to humans bind the recycled wood and fibers.


Fiberglass or GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester) is lightweight and translucent. Garage doors Sussex have fiberglass doors that look like genuine wood. GRP is great for homes near the coast as it is immune to the effects of salt-water corrosion. However, fiberglass doors can be costly. They are also poor insulators and have the tendency to turn yellow with age.


Doors for garage made of aluminum can be customized to have the appearance and texture of wood. Unlike steel, aluminum does not rust and is less expensive. It is easy to install and is very lightweight but like steel, it is prone to dents that can be very difficult to repair.


ABS is made of durable but flexible material to produce impact and dent-resistant doors. Doors for garage made of ABS hardly requires maintenance and would only need a regular wipe down using a damp cloth. This material is ideal for matching when your doors and windows are made of PVCu.

There are so many garage door materials available today that you will not have to worry about running out of options. Just be sure to have a clear idea about what you want and what you need so picking the right one will be a breeze.

Henry Baldwin is a garage door expert and a contributing author for Garage Door Superstore. He specializes in educating purchasers about the following types of garage doors: Up & Over, Roller Doors, Sectional Doors, Side Hinged, and Personnel Door. He is also an expert in the following brands: Cardale, Cedar Door, Garador, Hormann. Seceuroglide, Novoferm, Teckentrup, and Wessex. Garage door openers by Hormann and Seip are his specialty as well!

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